Monday, October 13, 2008

Thats not a pocket son

Today was quite a day. I stayed home from work because I am not feeling so well. Georgia took the kids for a walk and Avery found some seeds from a tree to show me. He put them in his pocket and they headed home. After the walk it was lunch and and then nap time. We are trying to get Eli used to the crib so we put Avery to sleep in our bed. I read him books and returned to my perch on the couch. A few minutes later he started crying. I had not heard a thud so I was not to excited about it. Georgia went in to check on him and I suddenly heard her commanding him not to sniff in. Yes you guessed it the seed was up his nose. We tried to get it out with the sniffer and even tweezers but we had no luck. I will tell you this if you want to make a kid mad pin him to the bed and shove things up his nose. So we rushed him to the doctors office where they got us in right away. The doctor informed us it was a routine problem. So Georgia held his feet. I held most of the middle of him and nurse held his head. The Doctor almost got it back out on the first try but it went back in. Then he put his finger behind it and shoved at the same time as he was pulling with his instrument and POP! out it came. The one in his nose turned out to be larger then the one his still had in his pocket. While we were there we squeezed in his three year appointment and he is looking well. He was 38.5 inches tall and about 32 lbs. Everything else looked good. I only thought kids stuck stuff up there nose on sitcoms on TV. Below is an example seed to show you what was up his nose.

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From Avery's Birthday


Amanda said...

Ha Ha!! That's hilarious! Now you can start your own sitcom: The Kershner Show.

Karen said...

Too funny!! I remember my brothers sticking things up their noses all the time! One memorable one was when Brian stuck popcorn up his nose and mom sucked it out with the vacuum hose!!