Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Me and the Boys

As a cost cutting measure we have cut the boys back to two half days at daycare. We don't want to lose our spot and this is the bear minimum that they allow. Today was my first day home with the boys in the afternoon. All things considered it went well. Being with them has been the best part of being laid off. I need to work on the routine a little but we will get better at it. Eli and I had a nap in the rocking chair while Avery had "quite time". I woke up to " Want to Get UP!" being repeated over and over. I survived though and so did they. Probably the most stressful part of the afternoon was taking the picture below. Avery wanted to run the camera and kept moving things and Eli wanted to stand on the tripod and eat the PC cable running to the flash. During the process Eli did stand up for probably 30 to 45 seconds all by himself. That was a personal best for him. I snapped a bunch of pictures but they don't really tell the story.

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