Sunday, November 2, 2008

Daylight Savings Time

I hate daylight savings time :(. I read this morning why we have it. It was my previous opinion that it was to torturer people with small children who like to wake up at 5:30 4:30. Errrrrr


Patrick said...

4:30 isn't that early. You should have called us via skype - we were up.

Amanda said...

crap...would you believe I forgot about DLS until you mentioned it here? Which I was reading right before I go to work? Well, I guess it's better to be an hour early than an hour late, not that it really matters to me anyway, but I would have stayed in bed a little longer if I had known, believe me.

Unknown said...

Not a big fan of DST, especially since I now leave work in the dead of night. Usually not a bad thing, but this thing in Oregon you have called rain makes things a little more interesting.