Monday, January 5, 2009

You just never know what he is going to do.

First off this pictures is up to let everyone know Avery is doing everything he can to avoid having his picture taken. This may be the view of him you will have to get used to.


This morning I hear the usual "Dad... Can I get up, Dad? Dad?". It was indeed time to get up so I grabbed my clothes and slippers and sneaked out of bed (Eli had joined Georgia and I sometime during the early morning hours). I sat down on Avery's bed and stared getting dressed. Again "Dad, Can I get up?". I said sure and as I was slipping on my slippers he began to tell me about the dream he had. Usually when he is told he can get up, he heads straight out for a cartoon, but not this morning he just sat and told me his story. It seems him and his friend the bear (I believe the bear to be Stillwater from the book Zen Shorts) went to Jacksonville (to Avery Jacksonville is only the toy store in Jacksonville). I asked if they got toys and he said the just played there. Then they went grocery shopping. Each destination was described in great detail and quite accurately mirrored the actual things we have been doing over the week. He proceeded to tell his story for about 25 minutes. I didn't say much except for a nod of my head now and again to let him know I was listening. I still floors me that he tell a story for 25 minutes with no stop in the action. At the 25 minute mark the garbage truck pulled up and he had to go peek out the window, so it kind of broke his flow but we still stayed in bed and read a Curious George book. It was quite a special morning.
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